Saturday, December 6, 2008

Time, Reality, Discomfort and Prayer

Just looked back to what we were doing 3 weeks ago. That's the day we posted the pic of Mom & Ryan signing I Love You. It seems like SUCH a long time ago. In fact, none of that even seems real anymore. Rex made the comment last just does not feel like it really happened.

Randy/Anita/I majorly packed at the apartment today. As we left, I felt overwhelmed about what we had just done. Sorting through years of memories, sending out bags of trash & boxes to Goodwill, doling out mementos to family. Took years to accumulate and a couple of hours to disburse.

We spent some quality time with Uncle Leon/Aunt Phyl today. They have ALWAYS been there for our family...ALWAYS.

I am wearing mom's wedding band, the one my dad gave her. It fits me perfectly.

Rex is living amongst boxes and vanishing furniture. Can't be comfortable.

Join me in praying for a complete healing for Rex. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.
But I'm a human, and He is God.

And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well. James 5:15
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16b

If you are reading, please comment. We need encouragement.