Sunday, November 16, 2008

Long day and weekend

The end has come to a long weekend. I came home on Saturday rather than stay in the Fort overnight because I knew the kids would get bored. Dylan went back with us today. I want to try and describe how Mom is. Remember that we don't believe that she will stay like this for long, as her brain swelling is coming down, but if you were to visit her, this is what you might expect to find.

She is normally very talkative, as you all know, and now she'll talk on her own, but not often. Sometimes she makes perfect sense, and other times not so much. When I walked in her room one time today, she said her new nurse was Joel, the brother of Barry. She was right about Joel, but not about Barry. She was referring to my friend Barry from College, and previously had said Barry's wife was there. However I've not seen Barry for years and I don't know if my Mom ever met his wife, so I don't know where that came from.

My friend from high school, another Barry, happened to walk by the room and I went out to see him. Mom knows this Barry too, so the 2nd time, maybe that confused her about her nurse.

She likes to watch outside and can see I-69 from her room. She talks about the vehicles she sees out there. She likes to watch TV and makes comments once in a while about it. However when she eats, she doesn't talk at all. She'll tap with her fork or grunt to get something done. I usually won't let her get away with not saying 'yes' or 'no.' I'll usually ask her over and over until she answers me. She seems to ignore Ronna more than anyone. If she doesn't answer Ronna, I would say, "Are you gonna answer Ronna?" and then she'd answer her. So she's listening to everything, just sometimes she chooses to not answer.

She doesn't put joking and smiling together yet. She'll joke around, but ya wonder if she's being goofy, or kidding around. Often I will look directly at her and make a big smile. If she doesn't smile back I make the sign on my face until she does.

When she talks, which is much more between lunch and supper, she talks very well and doesn't mumble, although she's a little quieter than she was before the surgery.

She knows everyone she knew before, and remembers pretty good as to who was there before, but obviously she gets her days mixed up. She has not yet slept well.

It's hard for me to see her at this stage, because Anthony was pretty much back to normal after 2 days (He was 8) and Stacy took a long time to get even to this stage, and Stacy's experience is what I remember most, as it was more recent.

Mom can write as well as before surgery. She always writes in cursive and still does. When no one is around, I guess she gets bored and writes names. She wrote lots of names last evening for some reason. Many were from Manchester College. It looked like she wrote some instructions for someone there too. She also went through her guest book and notated after everyone's name.

She loves to look through her cards and read them. She also likes to watch gospel and country music on TV and sing along.

As far as when she'll get out of ICU, we don't know for sure. She is only there because of a new blood pressure medication she is taking where her vitals need to be monitored much more than a regular hospital room would be able to. That said, all her vitals are very good. She may soon have her oxygen to her nose taken off, and possibly have her 'hat' removed too. It will be interesting to see her hair and how far back they had to shave it.

Also, the bed transforms into a recliner chair and she sits up in that a lot of times. I believe tomorrow they may try and walk her some with therapy. However she could not walk without a cane before so that will be difficult for her.

Her eyes light up and she smiled when Dylan (her 10 year old grandson) would walk into the room. The same thing when Rex walks in. Yesterday it seems like anyone that would walk by would get her attention, and she'd think she knew them, but she didn't do that today, but still noticed the noisy ones, and any other out-of-the-ordinary noises.

Once in a while she tries to get up. Also she'll fool with her oxygen line, or oxygen sensor, or her IV lines.

We know her eyes are working well and probably are better now without that tumor all wrapped around her optic nerves, compressing them. There was a chance she could go blind with the surgery, but would have for sure without it.

She will not get her sense of smell back that she lost 9 years ago, because those nerves are where the tumor grew around, and it permanently damaged them. She is so used to this it doesn't bother her at all.

If anyone was waiting for a good time to visit, it is now. Daytime visitation would be excellent this week as us kids have to work which leaves normal visits being Rex at times, and Ronna in the evening. See the visitation times in the left column. Remember there are no real flowers allowed in ICU but she loves cards. She has a box she keeps them all in. You don't have to have any permission to go back to her room. The rules say to limit visitors to 3, but as long as you are not loud, they have not said anything to us about having sometimes 5 in there. It is a very large room so there is no problem with that. If Mom is watching TV, just turn it off if you visit so that she will concentrate on you and not the TV. If it was on when you got there, turn it back on for her when you leave as it keeps her mind active, which is what she needs.

Remember, we have not told her yet about Rex's Oncologist appointment and we don't want to burden her with worry, so please don't mention anything about that. Thanks.

I know a lot of people are reading this and we thank you for your prayers. Ronna and Rex have a big road ahead and they need the prayers as much as Mom. We are so thankful for Mom and Rex moving just a mile away from the hospital. Now we know why we felt they needed to move from Manchester.

I've made it easier to comment here so try again if it didn't work for you the first time.


  1. Just wanted to comment that Jeff Bowman emailed me a comment that said, "I am thinking about you and praying for you to recover ok"

  2. Ryan
    Thanks for the description. I feel like I know what is going on. It helps ease some of the worries. Give everyone hugs and kisses for me. Love and Godspeed karen

  3. Thanks uncle Ryan for updating. I'm reading from afar wishing it was easy to be there...
    Tell Grandma I love her.

  4. Great wrap up of the weekend, Ryan. If you are in the area, please visit her. She loves seeing people. If Rex isn't there, call 436-6745 to see if he's home and go visit him too. We are so proud of Rex. He is coping much better than I expected.

    Take Jefferson on toward Ft. Wayne from Lutheran Hospital to Getz Road in Time Corners. It's at a stoplight. CVS & Richards Restaurant on the right. Turn right onto Getz. At the stopsign, turn right and immediately you will see Southwest Senior Community. Turn in, then turn left and right and you will run into their building. 6218 is the apartment number.

  5. I appreciate this blog bit. I go into it 3 or 4 times a day checking
    to see how she is doing. Glad to hear she is getting along so good. Tell her we are praying for her and all the rest of you.
    God Bless
    Love Darlene

  6. Thanks for the update Uncle Ryan. I was out of town all weekend and wasn't able to visit Gma, but I will for sure stop by tonight. She is such an amazing woman and I am in awe of her strength through this difficult time.

    Hugs and kisses to my entire family!
    Tandy :)
