Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I don't have the autopsy in hand yet, but it was inconclusive. We will never know for sure what happened. It makes it harder for me to deal with this all, but I'll get over it. I am sure that her labored breathing, when I left her the night before, was something to do with it. I was beating myself up about it, that I didn't do more to make the nurses get the Dr., or something. I have gotten past that.

We know this:

The floor Doctor was notified about her condition sometime Wed. evening.

When she was checked on in her room at 4:45 a.m., she was already gone. They started CPR but she never regained a pulse.

She was not as mentally stable as we had expected those days after surgery. The Doctors expressed that she was doing good, but they didn't know her like we did.

Memorials still continue to come in. It will be interesting to see the total.

Her surgery was not directly the cause of her death, but it was hard on her body, and the time in the hospital lying down all the time did not help her.


  1. It's been a hard day. We both feel we should have done more that nite. We both prayed the same prayer. Maybe we did what we were supposed to do.

  2. Don't let guilt take over your life. Everyone did what they could. The Lord called her home. I pray for peace for the everyone.
