Friday, November 14, 2008

Big Change

Ronna has informed me that Mom has made a big leap in recovery today. Earlier when Ronna and I talked on the phone, she informed me that mom was singing along with some visitors. Also, she had sat on the edge of her bed for 3 minutes with the physical therapist.

Ronna just texted me that Mom is feeding herself!

This is really tough being at home. I can't wait to get there tomorrow afternoon.

My cousin Karen has had some problems with commenting. Email me if anyone else is having problems too.


  1. Hi:
    We were so happy to see Ardythe today. When we first arrived she seemed distant but we prayed for her and after we sang a song she went off to sleep, she woke about 3minutes later and the Lord had answered our prayers for clarity of mind because she just started talking and she joined us and sang a couple more praise chorus'. We love Ardythe and Rex very much and if there is ever anyhting they need or any of you please feel free to call.
    Lisa Haupert & Debbie Barrett

  2. Ryan you say about how hard it it to be a home, I am finding it very hard not to get into the car and make the 1000 mile drive to there to support everyone. I hope everyone knows how special they are. karen

  3. Thank you Lisa and Debbie for what you did. Ronna told me she had sang.

    Karen. They are special. Ronna asked Kelly, their pastor, when he has time to prepare his sermon; does he take a certain day off. Kelly said when Ardythe Hobbs is in the hospital, you make the time to see her. It's hard for me to believe she's been going to Liberty 52 years. She and Rex are certainly anchors of that church.
