Friday, November 14, 2008

Hey! Post something so we know you're reading

We've taken a big step in keeping this blog up to date as best we can, and as soon as we know anything new. Please leave a comment so we know you were here and reading. Also make sure you read down several posts as we post so often, there is likely stuff you haven't yet read.

Mom will eventually be reading this and would love to see a bunch of comments. This is such a neat thing to read after the fact for her, so she can see all that was going on during the time she probably won't remember.

To comment just click below where you see the word 'comments'.
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  1. I'm reading it!! When my dad was in the hospital, the blog we had going for him was my only lifeline to the daily happenings I was missing out on. Please keep the posts coming and know that we are all out here blanketing our family in prayer!!

    Love you!
    Tandy :)

  2. I know their being read. Others have told me. I'd just like some comments like yours so mom to see them.

    Love you Tandy. I'm glad your in Ft. Wayne right now.

  3. Hey I have been posting commments but it seems like only one of the them was actually posted. I continue to pray for all of you

  4. I know you're watching Karen. Don't know why your posts don't show up but I see this one.
