Sunday, December 21, 2008

Transition UPDATE

Rex got a cell phone, number shown below. It has a speaker and he can hear well. And he's rented a 1-bedroom apartment, moving January 10.

First things first. Rex's new address & phone are:

1014 Parkside Village Drive
Clayton, NC 27520

It's been an interesting 2 days. Over half the homes in Allen County were without electrical power after Friday's ice storm. My house, Tandy's apartment and Rex's apartment (along with Jeff's which was empty and available) all were without power. I/Tandy/Parker/Rex spent Friday nite at Comfort Suites. We're thankful we got a room. Saturday morning, Randy and Ryan and Stacy arrived to pack the truck and get the car on the trailer. It was slick and cold (no heat in the apartment), but we were done by noon.

Rex had mentioned that the one thing he wanted to do yet was get to the cemetery. So we took a short road trip yesterday. It was a bleak site with the ice and snow. One I don't want stuck in my memory.

Greg was supposed to arrive around 11 last nite, but he missed his connection in Atlanta. He spent the nite there and flew in at 11:15 this morning in high winds. It's below 0 and blowing BAD today. We're all concerned about keeping our newly restored electrical power. I just talked to Greg. They are about 1/2 way home and not planning to stop (6:30pm). They have another 6 hours, at least. It was 71 degrees when Greg left home yesterday!!!!

I overhead Rex say last weekend....this is no longer my home, it is just a place to live. And I think he decided after 2 days of MAJOR winter, that leaving Indiana isn't such a bad idea.
Greg shared with Rex and I that his 8 year old daughter, Jillian, agreed to let dad go on the road once again after just getting home from a week away on business, because he was bringing Grandpa "home". I really think the last 3 weeks convinced Rex he was making the right decision. And my brothers and I got to know a man that is a lot stronger than we knew before. We are extremely proud of him.

And I am very proud of the 3 of us. Mom left us with a job to complete and we finished well. Greg and I felt the weight of the transition shift as we hugged goodbye today. No more words.